Learn Astrology

Very practical and comprehensive courses in Vedic astrology. A journey on self-discovery. It is a combination of traditional Parashari Jyotish and Bhrigu Nandi Nadi concepts. We learn by analyzing charts of famous personalities. There is no course like this out there – SIMPLE, DEEP, PRACTICAL. See the syllabus at the bottom of the page.

These courses will change your life…

  • Understand the meaning and purpose of Astrology and why do we go to an astrologer
  • Establish a deep esoteric connection with the Grahas (planets) and Nakshatras
  • Understand your own Karmic patterns, your strengths and weaknesses
  • Analyze different areas of life: Career, Finances, Relationships, Children, Health etc
  • Start practicing Astrology and help other people understand their Karma
  • Be a life coach, a counselor, a teacher and change other people’s lives
  • Learn chart interpretation through mesmerizing mythological stories
  • Carry on this lineage and get rid of your Karmic debt
  • Learn how to use various types of remedies for planets and houses (areas of life)

Please note if you are in India, price will be discounted and you can pay via Bank Transfer or PayPal. Please send me an email for details.

Live Course (All 4 Modules) (Nov 15, 2023 – July 31, 2024)

Pay for all 4 Modules 36 weeks Full course (discount of $200)

All 4 Modules Price $2,000 (discount of $200) Get $200 Additional Discount if paying with Zelle or check. Price with Zelle or Check: $1,800 (total $400 discount) Zelle to illuminatelifetoday@gmail.com. Or you can mail a check.


Live Course (only 1 Module) (Nov 15, 2023 – Jan 24, 2024)

Pay for 1 Module of 9 weeks

Paypal price: $550 Get $50 Discount if paying with Zelle or check. Price with Zelle or Check: $500 ($50 discount) Zelle to illuminatelifetoday@gmail.com. Or you can mail a check.


Download Pre-recorded Course taught in Jun-Aug 2023

24 Hours of Classes recorded during Live course

Paypal price: $500 Zelle or check price: $450 (10% discount) Zelle to illuminatelifetoday@gmail.com. Or you can mail a check.



“After doing several trainings in jyotiṣa, I am now training with Amit.  Most trainings teach concepts.  Amit has a unique style of integrating the concepts with Vedic stories to support remembering the role of each deity, enhancing the qualities of the Graha (planet) and teaching how they support or annoy each other. Every class, he demonstrates the interrelationship of a concept by reading one or two charts (of famous people), demonstrating the teaching.  This gives us a chance to see the applicability of the traits reflected in the chart.  Jyotiṣa is a matrix and I find it is not easy to learn.  He has amazing patience when I keep repeating the same question in different contexts and forget basic principles.  Amit patiently answers and demonstrates again and again his well of jyotiṣa wisdom and its application.  He looks for the joy in each chart, rather than “what is wrong,” yet he points out challenges reflected in a chart.  He is teaching us basic lifestyle suggestions for interacting and dealing with the karma we are born with so we can enhance our life and be on the path of loving ourself and completing our birth’s dharma journey.”

HANSA KNOX, owner PranaYoga, Denver

I stumbled across Amit’s website online a few years ago, when searching for someone experienced in Vedic astrology. I was ignorant of Jyotish astrology, but a few friends had mentioned having their chart read and described how different Vedic was from the American charts. WOW! Now I get it! Amit helped me to get set up, and after getting the time and place of my birth correct, he was then able to offer me a reading. I was shocked at how many insights he was able to give me; he mentioned things that no one could possibly know, which was deeply validating. In addition, he was able to offer me guidance and caution about life, love, and daily practices. I was most surprised about things like the moon, and Amit offered me tips on how to honor the information – practical things to integrate and do. The reading was so informative, helpful, validating, and comforting. I joined his online training so I could deepen my own understanding of astrology and life. Amit is a kind and fun teacher. He gets straight to the point and then makes you laugh. His light and joyful approach makes the class so fun but it’s also so deep and rich. It’s clear how deep and wide Amit’s knowledge is, because he’s able to take such a complex and multi-faceted subject and make it easy to digest. So, I would highly recommend Amit Garg for either a personal reading or a training. He’s an amazing human being and an incredible teacher.

COLLEEN SIMPSON, Denver, Colorado

More about the Course

Every class begins with a mindful chant of these mantras. I initiate the practice, and then students join in. We chant following mantras inEach class:

  • Deity Mantras: Designed to invoke divine energies, such as Ganesh, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali, Vishnu, or Gayatri, they align with specific qualities and blessings.
  • Zodiac Sign Mantras: When a particular zodiac sign is afflicted in your birth chart (perhaps by malefic planets), chanting mantras dedicated to that sign can act as a remedial measure.
  • Nakshatra Mantras: The universe’s celestial tapestry encompasses 27 Nakshatras. If malefic planets reside in a specific Nakshatra in your chart, the corresponding Nakshatra mantra can be chanted to mitigate the influences.
  • Planetary Mantras: The planetary forces in your astrological chart are pivotal. Chanting mantras dedicated to specific planets can help harmonize their energies, whether to pacify afflictions or enhance their beneficial aspects.

Full Course Details